2014 – 2015

'Opulent Color' ran December 2, 2014 through January 22, 2015, highlighting the work of Jane Kent's ARTS 132 Printmaking: Silkscreen class. Thanks to UVM's Davis Center Art team for helping us organize this show.

Role: Designer & Illustrator
Show poster collab: Alec Donkin

"Happiness is the Best Revenge"

7 color silk screen print, edition of 10, Dec 2014.



'Opulent Color' Silkscreens, 2 color silk screen print, Dec 2014.

Collab with Alec Donkin. I designed it, he helped print the edition of 25.



Supplument to the show poster. All students in Jane Kent's silkscreening class.


The original draft, made as an option for my final project, but ended up using it for the show poster.

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